Los Costos de la Corrupción

* Por Juan Leopoldo Martínez -  Mucho se habla de la corrupción como una especie de virus que perjudica a la sociedad y en donde tal fenómeno esté presente, seguramente habrán daños. Por ejemplo, es usada indiscriminadamente por gobernantes para justificar las fallas de sus administraciones como consecuencia de actos no éticos de…

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Corporate Criminal Liability and Compliance Management Systems – A Case Study of Spain

By: Santiago Wortman Jofre -  Corporate Criminal Liability has been a matter of debate for quite a long time now, with leaders at the G20, as well as numerous international legal instruments, stating the importance of enacting laws against corporate criminality. One of the main tools against corporate criminality that has been gaining…

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Evaluating the progress of the “Sistema Único de Salud”: Bolivia’s baby steps on the road to Universal Health Coverage

*By Karina Guzmán - Bolivia Our health is undeniably among the greatest treasures we have. A healthy life is the basis for a high quality of life. And when our health deteriorates, the health services available to us can make all the difference. Unfortunately, half of the world do not have access to…

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Conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer – El feminicidio en México

*Por Laura Puga Hoy es el Día Internacional de la Mujer, fecha histórica de lucha por la igualdad de derechos de las mujeres. En 1975, durante el año internacional de la mujer, la ONU comenzó a conmemorar la fecha[1]. En ese mismo año se llevó a cabo en México la primera Conferencia Mundial…

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Incorporating human rights standards in the development of public policies

By: Edward Pérez (*) The following article is meant to serve as an introduction into the relationship between public policies and human rights. During the following weeks and months, I aspire to address several concerns regarding human rights standards and their incorporation into public policies, as well as in the effects of public…

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MasPorTIC: a social enterprise closing socio-economic urban-rural gaps with innovation and technology

By: Eliana Camargo (*) Although its rural population has decreased in the last century, Colombia is less urban and more rural than we might think.  According to the last UNDP report (2015), 32% of the population lives far from large cities, in the countryside, and rural municipalities, which occupy the vast majority of…

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The Y7 Summit 2018: A success story of innovative policy-making and youth participation

By: Diego Reyeros (MPP, BPG Partner)As one of the official engagement groups of the Group of 7 (G7), the Youth 7 Summit (Y7) has historically had the role of pushing a youth-centred perspective of the topics discussed every year by the heads of state of these influential countries. Under the Presidency of the…

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Enhancing the Working Conditions of the “Clasificadores” in Uruguay by Regulating the Shadow Trash Market

By: Antonio Manzi Gari (BPG Founder and Partner), and Luca Brockmann Even though Uruguay was picked in 2013 as country of the year by The Economist mainly due to its progressive social reforms, it still faces deeply entrenched social problems. Amongst these is the situation of the informal waste collectors, the “clasificadores”, whose main…

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The Regional Chevening Alumni Conference Latin America: establishing a strong Chevening LatAm network

The Regional Chevening* Alumni Conference Latin America, hosted in Bogotá - Colombia  (15th -16th March 2018), was an opportunity to establish the Chevening Latin American Network and a place to discuss relevant topics to Latin America such as corruption, trade, sustainable development, and regional leadership.   Seven members from Bloomsbury Policy Group representing…

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Técnicos y políticos en la elaboración de Políticas Públicas

Panel de ex alumnos de Universidades Británicas Nicolás Brener, Antonio Manzi, Agustín Iturralde, Mauro Casa El pasado 20 de febrero, tuvo lugar el primer evento del año de la Asociación de Graduados de Universidades Británicas en Uruguay (GBUA). Cuatro ex becarios Chevening e integrantes del BPG integraron un panel en el que expusieron…

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