The Y7 Summit 2018: A success story of innovative policy-making and youth participation

By: Diego Reyeros (MPP, BPG Partner)As one of the official engagement groups of the Group of 7 (G7), the Youth 7 Summit (Y7) has historically had the role of pushing a youth-centred perspective of the topics discussed every year by the heads of state of these influential countries. Under the Presidency of the…

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Enhancing the Working Conditions of the “Clasificadores” in Uruguay by Regulating the Shadow Trash Market

By: Antonio Manzi Gari (BPG Founder and Partner), and Luca Brockmann Even though Uruguay was picked in 2013 as country of the year by The Economist mainly due to its progressive social reforms, it still faces deeply entrenched social problems. Amongst these is the situation of the informal waste collectors, the “clasificadores”, whose main…

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The Regional Chevening Alumni Conference Latin America: establishing a strong Chevening LatAm network

The Regional Chevening* Alumni Conference Latin America, hosted in Bogotá - Colombia  (15th -16th March 2018), was an opportunity to establish the Chevening Latin American Network and a place to discuss relevant topics to Latin America such as corruption, trade, sustainable development, and regional leadership.   Seven members from Bloomsbury Policy Group representing…

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Técnicos y políticos en la elaboración de Políticas Públicas

Panel de ex alumnos de Universidades Británicas Nicolás Brener, Antonio Manzi, Agustín Iturralde, Mauro Casa El pasado 20 de febrero, tuvo lugar el primer evento del año de la Asociación de Graduados de Universidades Británicas en Uruguay (GBUA). Cuatro ex becarios Chevening e integrantes del BPG integraron un panel en el que expusieron…

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